Linux Security

Evasive Linux Malware Detection Video Presentation (BPFDoor)

Linux Forensics
Linux Security
November 14, 2023

Sandfly founder Craig Rowland recently spoke at the Oslo Cold Incident Response Conference on evasive Linux malware. Although talks were not recorded, he made a video of the presentation he gave…

Defending Security Infrastructure Against Wild Weasels

Linux Security
September 01, 2023

In the 1960s the United States came up with a plan to deal with advanced anti-aircraft Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) present in Vietnam: They'd equip a jet with anti-radiation missiles, then have…

Active vs. Dormant Attacks on Linux: Don't Neglect Either!

Linux Security
August 17, 2023

Linux is the dominant operating system of the Internet. When it comes to detecting attacks against this platform however, there is a large focus spent on finding active attacks, but relatively little…

SSH Key Compromise Risks and Countermeasures

Linux Security
Linux Forensics
June 26, 2023

When it comes to securing Linux systems, Secure Shell (SSH) has been one of the most dependable tools at a sysadmin's disposal. However, with every technology solution, there are potential pitfalls…

SSH Major Compromise Vector for Linux

Linux Security
January 05, 2023

Google just released their Cybersecurity Action Team Report for the end of 2022 and it had some interesting findings: More than 1/2 of all incidents involved weak credentials, no credentials, or…

Sandfly Linux File Entropy Scanner Updated

Linux Security
Linux Forensics
June 30, 2022

Our entropy scanner sandfly-filescan has been updated and renamed to sandfly-entropyscan and now features Linux process scanning to help quickly spot packed and encrypted malware. You can get it…